Monday, April 21, 2008

Leaving Toronto

I'm leaving for Montreal today but Toronto has been quite nice, although it seems to lack a little soul. Niagara Falls was spectacular, even though it was smaller than I'd imagined, but it's hard to believe just how much water is constantly rushing over the edge (and there will be even more come summer time). The Maid of the Mist boat tour was not running as the water still contained lots of ice so instead I did all the other attractions: the caves behind the falls, the walk beside the rapids and the cable car over the whirlpools. I took lots of photos but haven't had chance to upload them yet.

On Saturday I went to the Royal Ontario Museum, at first I thought it was going to be kinda boring like the Shoe Museum but it ended up being really good and I spent all afternoon walking around. There was lots of cool Art Deco furniture, some nice paintings, huge amounts of dinosaur and other animals bones, fossils etc plus lots of historic items from around the world. There was also a big exhibition on Darwin which was interesting, I've bought one of his books to read on my travels as I've nearly finished Blade Runner. I visited some free galleries yesterday and went back to an arcade I'd found earlier in the week with the aim of completing one of the games. It was nice to play a few videogames and I spent about an hour playing Sengoku 3, an old Neo Geo side-scrolling Beat Em Up. It was only 25c a go, which is like 10p!


Anonymous said...

Da22 - Yo man, Just reading about the shoe museum and in my mind all i called see was Vince Noir saying "I'm having them" heh :¬)
How you finding the ol Blade Runner??
Talking of video games, the C64 and master system have been released on VC for the Wii :¬)
Also ive preordered GTAIV so ul have to get it with your new xbox so we can play all the multiplayer stuff!!
I have to go, work type!! Email you later mush

Alex said...

Wow, can't wait to see your latest photos. I want to go visit Niagara Falls, and see the caves :(

P.S. New Claro 12" is ace ;)